Saturday November 2nd, 2018 Castro Valley Performing Arts Center
Over 400 students from all over the Bay Area came together to perform at Bhangra Empire’s Fall 2019 Dance Off. Along with performances from all of our classes, the audience was treated to a special performances by all three academy teams as well as Bhangra Empire. Thank you to everybody that attended the Dance Off and congratulations to all of our students for helping put on another amazing show! Special thanks to our sponsors Legend America Travel, Sukhi Kaur, Harmit Toor, and Summit Preschool. Also, special thanks to Favorite Indian Restaurant for providing food for the event through the day!

Afternoon Show
Bhangra Spirit Award
Dublin Adults
Virse De Waris

Afternoon Show
Viewers Choice Award
Fremont Adults
Pure Punjabiz

Evening Show
Bhangra Spirit Award
Mountain View Adults

Evening Show
Viewers Choice Award
Sunnyvale Adults
Sunnyvale Siyappa